# vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 #============================================================================== # =============== # ceph_support.py # =============== # Utility functions for ceph_* tools # Copyright (C) 2017, 2018 Peter Linich #============================================================================== # ======= # License # ======= # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # #============================================================================== # ======= # History # ======= # 03jan2018 Added error handler for PIPE error while writing output # 02jan2018 Added VERSION string and GPL license # 27dec2017 Rewrote RunCommand() to use communicate() method to capture # stderr output of prograns which actually finish without an # error # 24dec2017 First version VERSION = "1.1 (03jan2018)" #============================================================================== # ================= # Modules/libraries # ================= import sys import subprocess #============================================================================== # ============================================== # RunCommand - run the given command (tuple) and # return the command's stdout as a string # ============================================== def RunCommand (cmd): try: p = subprocess.Popen (cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE) except: # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Output the system error message corresponding to the error # ---------------------------------------------------------- print >> sys.stderr, (sys.exc_info()[1])[1] exit (1) # --------------- # Get run results # --------------- d = p.communicate () e = p.returncode if e != 0: # ------------------------------------------ # Oops. The command ran, but it wasn't happy # ------------------------------------------ print >> sys.stderr, d[1] exit (1) # -------------------------------------- # All good - return the command's stdout # -------------------------------------- return (d[0]) # def RunCommand (cmd): # try: # p = subprocess.Popen (cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) # fd = p.stdout # b = fd.read () # fd.close () # except OSError as e: # print >> sys.stderr, cmd # print >> sys.stderr, e.strerror # exit (1) # except Exception as e: # print >> sys.stderr, type (e) # exit (1) # return b #============================================================================== # ======== # ParseXML # ======== # # ParseXML parses a cut-down form of XML into a dictionary. It is # intended to work with the "ceph" command with the "-f xml" option # such as when invoked like this: # # b = RunCommand (["ceph", "-f", "xml", "osd", "dump"]) # # We can make some assumptions here to make the code simpler and faster: # # - Firstly, tags won't have attributes. That means that what we get for a # tag is the '<', a possible slash, some non-space characters (the tag # name, and then the '>' # - Secondly, there are no white spaces and no CR or LF characters. Thus # we don't have to account for them when parsing tags or text/value # strings # - Thirdly, we don't get the '<' + tagname + '/' + '>' form (with the # slash just before the closing '>' # - Fourthly, open and close tags balance and they're in push-pop order # - Fifthly, we don't need to worry about entity encoding, i.e., "&" + # some-id-string-or-value + ";" # # ParseXML raises an exception if it encounters a problem parsing the # provided XML, such as for unbalanced tags or premature end-of-buffer. # # Example: # # print ParseXML ("My title


Text 1

Text 2

") # # gives: # # {'.html.0.head.0.title.0': 'My title', '.html.0.body.0.p.0': 'Text ', '.html.0.body.0.p.0.b.0': '1', '.html.0.body.0.h1.0': 'TITLE', '.html.0.body.0.p.1': 'Text 2'} # # Note that each dictionary key represents the nested path to a tag. Each # tag component is followed by its index at its nesting level. This can # be seen where the two

tags at the same level are shown with keys # of "p.0" and "p.1" class ParseXMLError (Exception): pass class ParseXMLInputError (ParseXMLError): pass def ParseXML (buffer): # print "Enter" # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Set up our push/pop stack for tracking the nesting of tags # ---------------------------------------------------------- sp = -1 # Empty stack is -1. Increments for each pushed tag a = {} # Dictionary of all paths with text/string values. This is # basically our output product. Paths without associated # text are not stored idx = {} # Dictionary tracking instance index of each identical # tag at same nesting level. E.g. where, say, two

# tag pairs follow each other, we use an index to uniquely # identify each's text path = {} # Push/pop stack of path string corresponding to tag nesting tagstack = {} # Push/pop stack of nested tags # path[sp] = "." # Initial path path[sp] = "" # Initial path # ------------------------------------------ # i is our current index into the buffer and # n, obviously, is the length of the buffer # ------------------------------------------ i = 0 n = len (buffer) # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # Outer loop is for complete tokens - either tag or text/value # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ while i < n: # ---------------------- # Get the next character # ---------------------- c = buffer[i] # print "c =", c, "i =", i, "n =", n i += 1 # --------------------------------------------------------- # A value string starts with any character other than a "<" # and ends at either a "<" or at the end of the buffer # --------------------------------------------------------- if c != "<": # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # Parse out the value and store in s # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ s = [c] while i < n: # ---------------------- # Get the next character # ---------------------- c = buffer[i] # print "c =", c, "i =", i, "n =", n i += 1 # ---------------------------------------- # If it's the start of a tag then we break # out of this inner loop where we'll store # the value and then fall through to the # tag parser # ---------------------------------------- if c == "<": break # ------------------------------------------------ # Append the current character to the value string # ------------------------------------------------ s.append (c) # -------------------------------------------------- # We get here if we encounter the start of a tag # or the end of the buffer while extracting a value. # In either case, we have a value string at this # point so we store it away # -------------------------------------------------- # a[path[sp]] = s v = "".join (s) # print "Value is", v a[path[sp]] = v # -------------------------------------------- # Break out of the outer loop at end of buffer # -------------------------------------------- if i >= n: # ---------------------------------- # It's an ooops if we got here after # detecting the start of a tag (and # didn't get the end of it before # the buffer ended) # ---------------------------------- if c == "<": raise ParseXMLInputError ("End of buffer immediately after \"<\"") break # ============================================ # When we get here we must have just seen # a "<". Start parsing tag with optional slash # ============================================ # ---------------------------------------- # Get first character of tag name or slash # ---------------------------------------- c = buffer[i] # print "c =", c, "i =", i, "n =", n i += 1 # ------------------------------------------- # Initialise tag "string" and check for slash # ------------------------------------------- s = [] if c == "/": # -------------------- # Got preceding slash # -------------------- slash = True # ------------------------------------------------------ # Error if we reach end of buffer in the middle of a tag # ------------------------------------------------------ if i >= n: raise ParseXMLInputError ("End of buffer immediately after \"": # ------ # Got it # ------ t = "".join (s) # print "Tag is", t, "Slash is", slash # ------------ # Sanity check # ------------ if t == "": raise ParseXMLInputError ("Got zero-length tag name") # ---------------------- # Open tag or close tag? # ---------------------- if slash: # ========= # Close tag # ========= # ---------------- # Do sanity checks # ---------------- if sp < 0: raise ParseXMLInputError ("Close without open of tag: ") if tagstack[sp] != t: raise ParseXMLInputError ("Expected close of tag <" + tagstack[sp] + "> but got close of <" + t + "> instead") # ---- # Pop! # ---- sp = sp -1 else: # ======== # Open tag # ======== # ---------- # Push! Etc. # ---------- p = path[sp] + "." + t sp = sp + 1 tagstack[sp] = t if p in idx: j = idx[p] = idx[p] + 1 else: j = idx[p] = 0 path[sp] = p + "." + str (j) # ------------------------------------- # Break out of the inner, tag-parsing # loop to go back and start on the next # token # ------------------------------------- break # --------------------------------------------------- # Append the current character to the tag name string # --------------------------------------------------- s.append (c) # ------------------------------------------------------ # Error if we reach end of buffer in the middle of a tag # ------------------------------------------------------ if i >= n: raise ParseXMLInputError ("End of buffer while looking for \">\" after tag name: \"" + "".join (s) + "\"") # ------------------------------------ # Get the next character and loop back # ------------------------------------ c = buffer[i] # print "c =", c, "i =", i, "n =", n i += 1 # ---------------------------- # Done - now do a sanity check # to make sure there are no # dangling open tags # ---------------------------- if sp != -1: e = "Unclosed tags:" for j in range (0, sp + 1): e += " <" + tagstack[j] + ">" raise ParseXMLInputError (e) # print "Exit" # for j in sorted (a.keys()): # print j, ":", a[j] # ------------------------------------------------------ # Return the dictionary with our paths and string values # ------------------------------------------------------ return a #============================================================================== # =================================================================== # PrintColumnised - takes a list/array of rows, each row itself being # a list of column cell contents (strings), calculates the maximum # width of each column (in characters), then prints the rows out as a # table with each cell left-justified and right-padded to get a # nicely-formatted table. The first row is the "control" row which # determines the number of columns the function tries to print. It # maybe should be the column headings # =================================================================== def PrintColumnised (rows): # --------------------- # Space between columns # --------------------- columnsep = " " # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # The first row controls how many columns # we attempt to output from each row. Get # the initial width for each column from # it # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ row = rows[0] columns = len (row) # print "columns =", columns i = 0 width = [] while i < columns: width.append (len (row[i])) # print "width", i, "is", width[i] i += 1 # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # Now iterate through the remaining rows # and update the column widths to be the # maximum of each # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ rowcount = len (rows) j = 1 while j < rowcount: row = rows[j] i = 0 while i < columns: w = len (row[i]) if w > width[i]: width[i] = len (row[i]) i += 1 j += 1 # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # Finally, output each row with each column # left-padded except for the last column # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ try: for j in range (0, rowcount): row = rows[j] i = 0 q = "" # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # Loop once for each column # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ while i < columns: s = row[i] q += s i += 1 # ---------------------- # If not last column ... # ---------------------- if i < columns: w = len (s) n = width[i - 1] while w < n: q += " " w += 1 q += columnsep # ------------------- # Print completed row # ------------------- print q # ----------------------- # Handle error exceptions # ----------------------- except IOError as e: print >> sys.stderr, e[1] exit (0) except Exception as e: print >> sys.stderr, e exit (1) #============================================================================== # ========================================== # SizeStr - convert a size representation in # kilobytes into something more tractable # ========================================== def SizeStr (kbstr): MB = 1024 GB = 1048576 MB_MAX = GB * 5 kb = float (kbstr) if kb > MB_MAX: gb = kb / GB return "{0:.1f}G".format (gb) else: mb = kb / MB return "{0:.0f}M".format (mb) #==============================================================================