Post-install configuration for Centos 6.3 minimal installation

The instructions below relate to a minimal installation from a "minimal" ISO. When doing the post-install configuration after a "netinstall" is used and where "Minimal installation" was selected, some small and obvious changes in the services and packages listed below will be required.

  1. Perform minimal installation of Centos 6.3 (i386 or x86_64) (from "minimal" ISO; minor, apparent changes in services and packages required if doing minimal install from "netinstall" ISO),
  2. Remove installation media and reboot,
  3. In /boot/grub/grub./conf, edit kernel parameters: remove "rhgb quiet" and add "consoleblank=0 selinux=0 ipv6.disable=1 raid=noautodetect edd=off",
  4. Reboot,
  5. Remove packages: rpm -e audit selinux-policy selinux-policy-targeted policycoreutils libselinux-utils system-config-firewall-base lvm2,
  6. Disable services with chkconfig: fcoe, iptables, ip6tables, iscsi, iscsid, lldpad, netfs, nfslock, rpcbind, rpcgssd, rpcidmapd
  7. Set "ONBOOT" to "yes" in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0,
  8. Reboot,
  9. yum -y update,
  10. Reboot,
  11. yum -y install ntp. Edit /etc/ntp.conf and comment-out IPv6 lines (2). Use chkconfig to enable ntpd and ntpdate. Use service to start ntpdate and then ntpd. Run ntpdc -n -p to check,
  12. Use iptables to flush INPUT, FORWARD, and OUTPUT (if VM on local or private network). Save with service iptables save,
  13. yum -y install cronie + service crond start,
  14. Set alias for root in /etc/aliases (not forgetting to run newaliases, of course), and test with cron job which invokes date every two minutes (e.g., */2 * * * * date). See also Configuring outgoing email for sendmail and postfix,
  15. Install cron job to poll for updates: 45 2 * * * yum check-update; yum list > yum.list.txt,
  16. Install additional packages: rsync, man, man-pages, bind-utils, openssh-clients
  17. Create directory /root/.ssh, copy in authorized_hosts, and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set to "no" both PasswordAuthentication and GSSAPIAuthentication. Restart sshd and check configuration using ssh -v ...,

To configure networking for more than DHCP:

  • /etc/resolve.conf
  • /etc/sysconfig/network
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
