CatchError runs the given script in a catch wrapper and returns the result. If anything in the script throws an uncaught error a diagnostic message is written to stderr and the program exits with an exit code of one.
Note that in CatchError there's a commented-out line. This is a variant of the line which actually runs the script. The commented-out version will, instead of a script, run a single command without it needing to be enclosed in braces.
Perhaps the script version should use script instead of args.
#!/bin/sh # \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" proc CatchError {args} { puts "args = #[llength $args]" # if {![catch {set r [uplevel $args]} err]} {return $r} if {![catch {set r [uplevel eval $args]} err]} {return $r} puts stderr $err exit 1 } CatchError { if {true} {puts "Hello, this is a test"} } CatchError { set fd [open "catcherror" "r"] set b [read $fd] close $fd puts "catcherror size = [string length $b]" }